Klipfolio is a business intelligence company that provides dashboards and visualizations. They are based out of Ottawa, Canada, which was the home base for Cognos when it was an independent for many years. They’ve been in business since 2001 but have sort of flown under the radar. They have been producing a release every two years or so and are up to version 6.0.
They heavily emphasize KPIs and so would be a good choice for a scorecarding solution in that regard. However, there isn’t much else in regards to basic enterprise reporting or distribution. Based on their client list, the dashboarding product seems to be doing quite well.
Where they are positioned well in the market is with its API, that lends itself to creating Klips, or small apps to deliver information. I think its an interesting way to deploy data, especially today where more business users are bringing consumer devices to work.
Their pricing is pretty standard, with it being by user and a discount for longer term lengths and for volumes. One piece that’s interesting is that the Web model is by month, but the desktop version is a per year model. They also have an OEM version for repackaging.
Desktop – A Windows based dashboard tool. They used to have a free version of this available for download, but was discontinued. Its offered in a yearly license model. This includes the Publisher module that is the server based distribution tool.
Publisher – Used for pushing out dashboards and AlertingWeb - It’s a web-based version of the desktop that is hosted with Klipfolio.
Mobile – In the fall of 2011, they released a mobile version that’s compatible with smartphones, including Android, and tablets. Customers have to use the hosted web version in order to access this.
The difference between desktop and web are detailed on their website, but are mainly centered around communication protocols, as well as web being the mobile centerpiece.
I found their client list to be very interesting. IBM is apparently a client…why aren’t they using Cognos?:) They also have EMC and Boeing, among others so for a smaller dashboard company they are doing well for themselves.
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